At around 4 PM, an earthquake hit Ishikawa Prefecture, which caused the Hokuriku Shinkansen train services to be suspended for safety checks between Kanazawa and Toyama. As a result, around 1,400 passengers had to spend the night on the train, feeling anxious and fatigued. Although food and water were distributed on board, it took more than 12 hours to resolve the situation. When they finally arrived at the station, some passengers were unable to move and had to take refuge in designated rest cars to keep warm. Despite facing power outages and anxiety, passengers helped each other, especially families with children. A woman in her 30s, who was traveling with her son to visit her hometown, spent more than 12 hours confined in the train after the earthquake. She shared, "Immediately after the earthquake, with repeated power outages and recoveries, it was terrifying. Both my son and I couldn't sleep due to anxiety and fatigue," showing a visibly fatigued expression.
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Japanese | Hiragana | English |
午後 | ごご | Afternoon |
地震 | じしん | Earthquake |
石川県 | いしかわけん | Ishikawa Prefecture |
北陸新幹線 | ほくりくしんかんせん | Hokuriku Shinkansen |
影響 | えいきょう | Impact |
金沢 | かなざわ | Kanazawa |
富山 | とやま | Toyama |
線路 | せんろ | Railway |
安全確認 | あんぜんかくにん | Safety check |
停止 | ていし | Stop |
車内 | しゃない | Inside the train |
不安 | ふあん | Anxiety |
疲労 | ひろう | Fatigue |
過ごす | すごす | Pass (time) |
食料品 | しょくりょうひん | Food supplies |
配られる | くばられる | To be distributed |
解消 | かいしょう | Resolution |
到着 | とうちゃく | Arrival |
乗客 | じょうきゃく | Passenger |
駅 | えき | Station |
動けず | うごけず | Unable to move |
休憩用 | きゅうけいよう | Rest area |
車両 | しゃりょう | Vehicle |
寒さしのぎ | さむさしのぎ | Protection against the cold |
助け合い | たすけあい | Helping each other |
子ども連れ | こどもづれ | With children |
家族 | かぞく | Family |
騒ぐ | さわぐ | Make noise |
地元 | じもと | Local |
訪れる | おとずれる | Visit |
予定 | よてい | Plan |
母子家庭 | ぼしこてい | Single-parent family |
30代 | 30だい | 30s |
女性 | じょせい | Female |
息子 | むすこ | Son |
地震発生後 | じしんはっせいご | After the earthquake |
閉じ込める | とじこめる | Lock up |
停電 | ていでん | Power outage |
復旧 | ふくきゅう | Restoration |
恐ろしい | おそろしい | Frightening |
不安 | ふあん | Anxiety |
寝られない | ねられない | Can't sleep |
話す | はなす | Talk |
疲労困憊 | ひろうこんぱい | Exhausted |
表情 | ひょうじょう | Facial expression |