N1-Native (Fluent) News

Births in the Year of the Dragon are at an all-time low

December 31, 2023

Japanese New Year card.

According to the population estimate for 2024, there are 10.05 million people born in the Year of the Dragon (Tatsu). Among the different age groups, the largest group is those who will turn 48 in 1976, which is 1.8 million people. However, the 12-year-olds born in 2012 are only 1.04 million, 8,000 fewer than the 84-year-olds born in 1940. The number of new adults who are 18 years old is 1.06 million, a decrease of 60,000 compared to the previous year and a historic low. The percentage share of these new adults in the total population is 0.86%, which indicates a further progression of aging and falling birth rates.





Japanese Hiragana English
人口推計 じんこうすいけい Population Estimate
辰年 たつどし Year of the Dragon
生まれ うまれ Born
年齢別 ねんれいべつ Age-specific
最も多く もっともおおく Most
48歳 よんじゅうはっさい 48 Years Old
180万人 ひゃくはちじゅうまんにん 1.8 Million People
2012年生まれ にせんじゅうにねんうまれ Born in 2012
12歳 じゅうにさい 12 Years Old
104万人 ひゃくよんまんにん 1.04 Million People
1940年生まれ せんきゅうひゃくよんじゅうねんうまれ Born in 1940
84歳 はちじゅうよんさい 84 Years Old
8万人 はちまんにん 80,000 People
少ない すくない Few
18歳 じゅうはっさい 18 Years Old
新成人 しんせいじん New Adults (Coming of Age)
106万人 ひゃくろくまんにん 1.06 Million People
1年前 いちねんまえ 1 Year Ago
減少 げんしょう Decrease
歴代 れきだい Successive Generations
最低 さいてい Lowest
割合 わりあい Percentage
0.86% れいてんはちぱーせんと 0.86%
少子高齢化 しょうしかれいかいか Aging Population with Fewer Children
進行 しんこう Progress

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