N1-Native (Fluent) News

Earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture has no impact on nuclear power plants

January 2, 2024

Nuclear power plants

As of 7:00 PM on the 1st, the Nuclear Regulation Authority has reported that the Nuclear Power Plant in Ishikawa Prefecture has not been impacted by the earthquake. There have been no indications of radioactive material leakage detected by monitoring posts around the nuclear power plant, and no particular abnormalities have been reported. However, it has been noted that the cooling pump for the spent fuel pool of Unit 1 temporarily stopped due to water leakage from the pool caused by the shaking from the earthquake. After restarting, the cooling process resumed. Additionally, there was an oil leakage near the transformer of Unit 1, and an investigation is ongoing. During the earthquake, there was an explosion-like sound and a burnt smell near the transformer of Unit 2, activating fire extinguishing equipment. However, it was later confirmed that there was no actual fire.





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原子力規制庁げんしりょくきせいちょうNuclear Regulation Authority
石川県の地震いしかわけんのじしんEarthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture
北陸電力志賀原発ほくりくでんりょくしがげんぱつHokuriku Electric Power Shiga Nuclear Power Plant
1日午後7時いちにちごごしちじ7:00 PM on the 1st
モニタリングポストもにたりんぐぽすとMonitoring post
放射性物質ほうしゃせいぶっしつRadioactive substances
1号機いちごうきUnit 1
使用済み核燃料プールしようずみかくねんりょうぷーるSpent nuclear fuel pool
冷却ポンプれいあくぽんぷCooling pump
一時停止いちじていしTemporary suspension
プールの水漏れぷーるのみずもれWater leak in the pool
冷却再開れいあくさいかいResumption of cooling
変圧器周辺へんあつきしゅうへんTransformer surroundings
油漏れあぶらもれOil leak
調査中ちょうさちゅうUnder investigation
地震発生時じしんはっせいじDuring the earthquake
2号機にごうきUnit 2
変圧器近くへんあつききんくNear the transformer
爆発音ばくはつおんSound of explosion
焦げ臭い匂いこげくさいにおいSmell of burning
消火設備しょうかせつびFirefighting equipment
出火しゅっかFire outbreak

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-N1-Native (Fluent), News