N1-Native (Fluent) News

Shohei Ohtani's legendary "50-50" home run ball's just gone under the hammer, fetching a cool $4,392,000. Crikey, that's a pretty penny!

Shohei Ohtani's home run ball (Source: Godin)

Mate, you won't believe this—Shohei Ohtani's home run ball from his mind-blowing feat, smashing 50 home runs and swiping 50 bases in a single MLB season, just went under the hammer for a jaw-dropping $4,392,000, around 660 million yen! That's a new record, making it the priciest home run ball ever, and the auction mob called it "the most valuable ball in sports history."

Ohtani hit this epic milestone on September 19, 2024, while playing against the Miami Marlins. The ball was up for grabs at the auction from September 27, with the winning bid clinched on October 22.

Before this, the top-dollar record for a home run ball was set at $3,005,000 for Mark McGwire's 70th homer back in his legendary 1998 season with the St. Louis Cardinals.

The really bonkers part? Three fans at the game initially reckoned they'd nabbed the ball, but they ended up sorting it out and decided to flog it at auction together. Absolute scenes!

Japanese (日本語)






Sentence Quiz (文章問題)

With that sort of cash, you could snag Japan's best hitter, no worries!


The folks at the stadium that day really struck gold.


Ohtani might've even outshone the legendary Ichiro, mate.


Ohtani's achievements are splashed across the front pages in Japan day in, day out.


Related Words (関連ワード)

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JapaneseHiraganaEnglish (AU)
大谷翔平おおたにしょうへいShohei Ohtani
メジャーリーグめじゃーりーぐMajor League Baseball
史上初しじょうはつunprecedented achievement
ホームランボールほーむらんぼーるhome run ball
史上最高額しじょうさいこうがくthe highest price
オークション主催者おーくしょんしゅさいしゃauction house
最も価値のあるもっともかちのあるthe most valuable
偉業いぎょうhistoric milestone
マイアミ・マーリンズまいあみ・まーりんずMiami Marlins
セントルイス・カージナルスせんとるいす・かーじなるすSt. Louis Cardinals
70号本塁打ななじゅうごうほんるいだ70th home run
最終入札さいしゅうにゅうさつfinal offer
出品されたしゅっぴんされたwas listed
決定したけっていしたwas secured
マーク・マグワイアまーく・まぐわいあMark McGwire

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N1-Native (Fluent), News