In light of young Aussies feeling a bit disenchanted with politics and the dip in voter turnout, the Nagoya City Election Commission's come up with a ripper idea – introducing a "Voting Support Card" to make it easier for folks who need a bit of a hand on election day. This nifty card lets voters flag if they need help, like written communication or if they're in a wheelchair. They've even sorted out special ballot cases to make life easier for people with low vision.
One of the bigwigs from the election commission pointed out that elections are bankrolled by taxpayers, so they're keen as mustard to get as many people voting as possible. They're looking to spread the word that having your say in elections can really shake things up.
Thinking about the dollars spent on the last House of Representatives election, around 617 yen per voter, the commission reckons it's worth pondering the bang for your buck and the role the election system plays.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
If we can keep democracy safe for the cost of a bowl of beef and rice, that's a ripper deal!
I reckon it'd be ace if voting support cards became more common. It's crucial for everyone to have a fair dinkum, easy voting experience!
If more young Aussies hit the polls, the future could take a turn. Let's all get amongst it!
When you reckon you can have a say in the country's future for just 617 yen, it'd be a shame not to cast your vote, mate.
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English (AU) |
解離 | かいり | Disengagement |
アクセシビリティ | あくせしびりてぃ | accessibility |
支援 | しえん | help |
コミュニケーション | こみゅにけーしょん | communication |
車椅子 | くるまいす | Wheelchair |
個人 | こじん | individuals |
強調された | きょうちょうされた | emphasised |
納税者 | のうぜいしゃ | taxpayers |
励ます | はげます | encourage |
参加する | さんかする | participating |
認識 | にんしき | awareness |
支出 | ししゅつ | expenditure |
重要性 | じゅうようせい | significance |
操作 | そうさ | operation |
手数料 | てすうりょう | commission |
導入された | どうにゅうされた | introduced |
アクセス可能 | あくせすかのう | accessible |
示す | しめす | indicate |
設計された | せっけいされた | designed |
反映する | はんえいする | reflecting |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.