Fast Retailing's just dropped some cracking news, mate! By the end of August 2024, Uniqlo smashed it, raking in over 3 trillion yen in sales for the first time ever. Chairman and President Tadashi Yanai reckons this is a real milestone and has his eyes set on hitting a whopping 10 trillion yen in the future. Uniqlo's doing particularly well in Europe, with their sales shooting up by a jaw-dropping 45% in fiscal 2024, hitting 276.5 billion yen, and the operating profit is up 70% to 46.5 billion yen. Their unique store designs and knack for picking top-notch locations have really boosted their brand recognition and bolstered their performance.
On top of that, Uniqlo's been pushing the "LifeWear" concept, aiming to deliver universal value that stays rock solid, regardless of trends. This approach has caught on like wildfire in the fashion scene, helping them bump elbows with the likes of ZARA and H&M as they carve out a bigger slice of the market.
There’s heaps of potential growth in Europe and the US, and they’re expecting some steady growth moving forward. Fair dinkum, the future’s looking bright for Uniqlo!
Japanese (日本語)
ユニクロ、初の3兆円突破を達成 ― 欧州での急成長と「ライフウエア」戦略が寄与
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
UNIQLO is really on a roll, mate! With flagship stores popping up in Paris and Rome, they're dead set on taking over the globe!
Surpassing 3 trillion yen is pretty bloody amazing, but aiming for 10 trillion yen is such a whopping goal, it's fair dinkum surprising. You can really feel Yanai's passion shining through.
I'm thinking about having a squiz at the shops in Paris and Rome. How good is it that the style just steps up a notch with all those historical buildings about!
Strewth, it's impressive seeing a Japanese brand like Uniqlo giving H&M a run for their money. Goes to show how much Aussies value quality, eh?
Related Words (関連ワード)
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Japanese | Hiragana | English (AU) |
統合された | とうごうされた | consolidated |
節目 | ふしめ | milestone |
財政 | ざいせい | Fiscal |
達成 | たっせい | achievement |
上回った | うわまわった | exceeded |
潜在的 | せんざいてき | potential |
営業利益 | えいぎょうりえき | Operating profit |
認識 | にんしき | awareness |
ユニバーサル | ゆにばーさる | universal |
受け入れた | うけいれた | embraced |
市場シェア | しじょうシェア | market share |
安定した | あんていした | Stable |
パフォーマンス | ぱふぉーまんす | Performance |
戦略 | せんりゃく | strategy |
拡大 | かくだい | expanding |
重要な | じゅうような | significant |
急速 | きゅうそく | Fast |
成長 | せいちょう | Growth |
概念 | がいねん | idea |
選択 | せんたく | selection |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.