In October, Makoto Suwa and Ayu Yoneda, who are now officially Japan's newest astronauts, had a yarn with NHK. They chatted about their dreams of joining the lunar exploration program and the chance to be the first Japanese astronauts to walk on the moon. Suwa mentioned he’s keen to make a difference for the next generation, while Yoneda shared her excitement about having a chinwag in Japanese up on the lunar surface.
After about a year and a half of tough-as-boots basic training, covering everything from survival skills to geology, both have earned their stripes with JAXA. They’re also gearing up to join the U.S.-led international lunar exploration effort, known as the Artemis Program, with Japan chipping in on the tech development side of things.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
Crikey, it's like a dream come true that we've finally reached the day when you can hear Japanese up on the moon!
Suwa and Yoneda have top-notch teamwork, mate.
I'm absolutely stoked for the day when a Japanese astronaut sets foot on the moon! Give it your all, mates!
I'm absolutely stoked, mate! It feels like a ripper moment for the Japanese language up there in space.
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English (AU) |
宇宙飛行士 | うちゅうひこうし | astronauts |
探検 | たんけん | exploration |
潜在的 | せんざいてき | potential |
貢献する | こうけんする | contribute |
世代 | せだい | generation |
興奮 | こうふん | excitement |
見込み | みこみ | prospect |
厳密な | げんみつな | rigorous |
認定済み | にんていずみ | certified |
イニシアチブ | いにしあちぶ | initiative |
技術的 | ぎじゅつてき | technological |
開発 | かいはつ | development |
正式に | せいしきに | officially |
認識された | にんしきされた | recognised |
インタビュー | いんたびゅー | interview |
プログラム | ぷろぐらむ | programme |
およそ | およそ | approximately |
生存 | せいぞん | survival |
地質学 | ちしつがく | geology |
イニシアチブ | いにしあちぶ | initiative |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.