N1-Native (Fluent) News

Record Low: Japan's Homeless Population Hits All-Time Low

May 8, 2024

Recent figures released by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare reveal a significant milestone: the nation's homeless population has dwindled to its lowest point on record, totaling just 2,820 individuals. This statistical revelation sheds light on a positive trend in Japan's social landscape.

Breaking down the numbers, the data indicates that of the total homeless population, 2,575 are men, 172 are women, and 73 fall under other gender identities. Osaka Prefecture emerged with the highest count of homeless individuals, closely trailed by Tokyo.

Efforts to bolster the self-sufficiency of homeless citizens have been underway since the enactment of the "special measures law" in 2002. This legislative move aimed to provide crucial support by facilitating access to stable employment opportunities and vocational training for the homeless community. The fruits of these initiatives are now apparent as evidenced by the notable decline in homelessness.

A comparative analysis paints a stark picture of progress. A survey conducted in 2003 reported an estimated 25,000 homeless individuals—a stark contrast to the current figures. The Constitution of Japan enshrines the right of all citizens to uphold minimum standards of health and culture. Moreover, a robust welfare system stands ready to assist those unable to work due to illness or unemployment. Welfare recipients are entitled to approximately 110,000 yen per month in social assistance, coupled with free medical coverage.

This latest revelation underscores Japan's commitment to upholding the dignity and welfare of all its citizens. As the nation continues to implement targeted interventions and support mechanisms, the trajectory toward a more inclusive society remains promising.

Japanese (日本語)



Sentence Quiz (文章問題)

Indeed, when I was a child, I often saw homeless people on the streets.


Some people become homeless themselves.


I want to be a rich homeless person and live in a hotel!


I saw many homeless people in foreign countries. Japan is a great country!


Related Words (関連ワード)

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Japanese Hiragana English
厚生労働省 こうせいろうどうしょう Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
先日 せんじつ the other day
発表 はっぴょう announcement
データ でーた data
現在 げんざい current
ホームレス ほーむれす homeless
人口 じんこう population
過去最小 かこさいしょう historical minimum
男女別 だんじょべつ by gender
男性 だんせい male
女性 じょせい female
以外 いがい other than
大阪府 おおさかふ Osaka Prefecture
東京都 とうきょうと Tokyo Metropolis
くに country
自立 じりつ independence
支援 しえん support
法律 ほうりつ law
人々 ひとびと people
安定 あんてい stability
職業 しょくぎょう occupation
確保 かくほ ensure
能力 のうりょく ability
訓練 くんれん training
実施 じっし implementation
効果 こうか effect
結果 けっか result
なお なお furthermore
やく about
調査 ちょうさ survey
日本国憲法 にほんこっけんぽう Constitution of Japan
健康 けんこう health
文化的 ぶんかてき cultural
最低限度 さいていげんど minimum
生活 せいかつ life
営む いとなむ manage
権利 けんり right
生活保護 せいかつほご welfare
病気 びょうき sickness
失業 しつぎょう unemployment
受給者 じゅきゅうしゃ recipient
支給 しきゅう payment
医療費 いりょうひ medical expenses
無料 むりょう free

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N1-Native (Fluent), News