N3-N2 (Intermediate) Travel History

Tokyo vs. Osaka: Which Copse More Hate?

May 19, 2024

G’day! Now, when it comes to Japanese cities, there’s always a bit of a dust-up about Tokyo and Osaka. If you’ve ever heard a yarn about Japan, you’d know these two cities are like chalk and cheese. But which one really cops more hate? Let's have a Captain Cook…

Tokyo, mate, is the big smoke. Think of it as Japan’s answer to Sydney. It's all hustle and bustle, skyscrapers left, right and centre, and people running around like blue-arsed flies. The joint never sleeps. Some folks reckon it’s too hectic – they feel like they've been thrown in the deep end without a paddle. The crowds can be bonkers, especially when you've just knocked off and everyone's heading for the next train. Some reckon it’s a tad impersonal, maybe because it's so massive.

Then there's Osaka. If Tokyo’s Sydney, Osaka’s our Melbourne. It’s a bit more laid-back, but don’t let that fool you; it’s got an edge. Osaka's known for its food – the street grub is legendary. You can't walk a block without someone spruiking okonomiyaki or takoyaki. But, not everyone’s a fan. Some say the city can be a bit rough around the edges, and the locals’ dialect can seem a bit full-on if you're not in the know.

So which one gets more flak? It’s a toughie. Tokyo gets dinged for being too manic and a tad cold, while Osaka can seem a bit unruly for those not used to its charm. At the end of the day, it’s like picking between Vegemite and peanut butter – it’s all down to personal taste, fair dinkum.

So, next time you’re in Japan, have a squiz at both and make up your own mind. Cheers!

Disliked Prefecture (Source: タウンネット)

According to a chart put together by J-Town, a Japanese regional info site, the most disliked prefectures are pretty clearly split between Tokyo in Eastern Japan and Osaka in Western Japan. Tokyo and Osaka are Japan's two biggest cities and have been rivals forever, but the reasons for not liking them seem to be different. Here’s a rundown of why people aren't keen on Tokyo and Osaka.

Reasons for not liking Tokyo:
- Way too many people. Lots of folks seem a bit cold.
- Heaps of news about crimes and accidents, which makes people think it’s not that safe.
- The cost of living is through the roof.

Reasons for not liking Osaka:
- The Kansai dialect isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
- People talk loudly and can be a bit rough around the edges.
- There’s a bit of a dodgy rep with yakuza and troublemakers.

What do you reckon? In any part of the world, there'll always be some who aren't fans of the big cities, right? If there's a place you’re not fond of, let us know in the comments!

Japanese (日本語)

東京とうきょうvs.大阪おおさか きらわれてるのはどっち?




どうでしたか?どこの地域ちいきでも、有名ゆうめい都市としきらいなひとおおいですよね。 あなたのきらいなくに地域ちいきがあればコメントらんでぜひおしえてください。

Sentence Quiz (文章問題)

Fair dinkum, I really can't stand the countryside.


Osaka's a pretty big city, but the cost of living's a fair bit cheaper.


The relationship between Tokyo and Osaka is a bit like that between New York and Los Angeles.


Tokyo's not really a spot to settle down, but it's definitely a place to have a good time.


Related Words (関連ワード)

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JapaneseHiraganaEnglish (AU)
西日本にしにほんWestern Japan
東日本ひがしにほんEastern Japan
治安ちあんPublic safety
物価ぶっかCost of living
言葉遣いことばづかいChoice of words

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.)

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N3-N2 (Intermediate), Travel, History