N3-N2 (Intermediate) Game

G'day mates! Just heard some ripper news – they're turning the "Yakuza" series into a live-action drama! Can't wait to see how they bring the whole saga to life. Fair dinkum, it's gonna be a cracker!

Oi, Sega's ripper game series "Yakuza" is finally copping a live-action spin on Amazon Prime Video. The drama, dubbed "Like a Dragon: Yakuza," is set to hit the streaming waves on October 25th with a tidy six episodes. The yarn unfolds in the well-known "Kamurocho" from the game, tagging along with the legendary yakuza Kazuma Kiryu, also known as the "Dragon of Dojima."

The highly awaited role of Kazuma Kiryu will be taken on by the top-notch actor Ryoma Takeuchi. Helming the series is none other than Masaharu Take, the top bloke behind the acclaimed Netflix series "The Naked Director."

The drama's gonna drop in two lots of three episodes each, kicking off on October 25th and then on November 1st. It’ll be available to binge in over 240 countries and regions, with subs and dubbed versions in more than 30 languages. So, get ready, mates—this one's gonna be a ripsnorter!

Japanese (日本語)


セガのだいヒットゲーム「りゅうごとく」がAmazon Prime Videoよりついに実写じっしゃドラマされることが発表はっぴょうされた。タイトルは「りゅうごとく~Beyond the Game~」。配信はいしんは10がつ25にちからで、ドラマはぜん。ゲームでおなじみの"神室町かむろちょう"を舞台ぶたいに“堂島どうじまりゅう”とばれる伝説でんせつのヤクザ・桐生一馬きりゅうかずま物語ものがたりえがかれる。



Sentence Quiz (文章問題)

I've nearly smashed through the whole "Yakuza" series.


I'm absolutely stoked to catch Ryoma Takeuchi's performance!


Back in high school, I was so mad keen on the game that I’d grab a copy of Famitsu every single week.


"Kamurocho" is a made-up city in the game, inspired by Kabukicho.


Related Words (関連ワード)

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JapaneseHiraganaEnglish (AU)
実写ドラマ化じっしゃどらまかlive-action adaptation
6話ろくわsix episodes
注目のちゅうもくのhighly anticipated
人気俳優にんきはいゆうpopular actor
総監督そうかんとくchief director
全裸監督ぜんらかんとくThe Naked Director
2回に分けて3話ずつにかいにわけてさんわずつtwo lots of three episodes
240以上にひゃくよんじゅういじょうmore than 240
吹替版ふきかえばんdubbed version

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please comment below.

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N3-N2 (Intermediate), Game