Fresh data unveiled by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare underscores a significant milestone in Japan's social landscape: the nation's homeless count has hit an all-time low, standing at a mere 2,820 individuals. This figure marks a remarkable downturn in homelessness, showcasing a tangible shift in societal dynamics.
Breaking down the demographics, the statistics reveal 2,575 men, 172 women, and 73 individuals falling into other gender identities within the homeless community. Osaka Prefecture emerges as the epicenter of this issue, closely trailed by the bustling metropolis of Tokyo.
In a concerted effort to empower those experiencing homelessness, Japan introduced the "special measures law" back in 2002. This legislation aimed to bolster the self-sufficiency of homeless individuals by facilitating access to stable employment opportunities and comprehensive job skills training. The efficacy of these measures is now underscored by the tangible decline in homelessness witnessed across the nation.
A stark contrast emerges when reflecting on data from 2003, where the homeless population hovered around an alarming 25,000. Despite Japan's constitutional commitment to ensuring every citizen's right to a dignified standard of living, a robust welfare system serves as a safety net for those grappling with illness or unemployment. Welfare beneficiaries receive approximately 110,000 yen monthly in social assistance, alongside comprehensive coverage for medical expenses.
This monumental drop in homelessness underscores Japan's dedication to fostering inclusive, supportive communities where every individual can thrive. As the nation continues its trajectory toward social equity, these strides toward homelessness reduction stand as a beacon of progress.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
Indeed, when I was a child, I often saw homeless people on the streets.
Some people become homeless themselves.
I want to be a rich homeless person and live in a hotel!
I saw many homeless people in foreign countries. Japan is a great country!
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English |
厚生労働省 | こうせいろうどうしょう | Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare |
先日 | せんじつ | the other day |
発表 | はっぴょう | announcement |
データ | でーた | data |
現在 | げんざい | current |
ホームレス | ほーむれす | homeless |
人口 | じんこう | population |
過去最小 | かこさいしょう | historical minimum |
男女別 | だんじょべつ | by gender |
男性 | だんせい | male |
女性 | じょせい | female |
以外 | いがい | other than |
大阪府 | おおさかふ | Osaka Prefecture |
東京都 | とうきょうと | Tokyo Metropolis |
国 | くに | country |
自立 | じりつ | independence |
支援 | しえん | support |
法律 | ほうりつ | law |
人々 | ひとびと | people |
安定 | あんてい | stability |
職業 | しょくぎょう | occupation |
確保 | かくほ | ensure |
能力 | のうりょく | ability |
訓練 | くんれん | training |
実施 | じっし | implementation |
効果 | こうか | effect |
結果 | けっか | result |
なお | なお | furthermore |
約 | やく | about |
調査 | ちょうさ | survey |
日本国憲法 | にほんこっけんぽう | Constitution of Japan |
健康 | けんこう | health |
文化的 | ぶんかてき | cultural |
最低限度 | さいていげんど | minimum |
生活 | せいかつ | life |
営む | いとなむ | manage |
権利 | けんり | right |
生活保護 | せいかつほご | welfare |
病気 | びょうき | sickness |
失業 | しつぎょう | unemployment |
受給者 | じゅきゅうしゃ | recipient |
支給 | しきゅう | payment |
医療費 | いりょうひ | medical expenses |
無料 | むりょう | free |
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.