In recent years, eh, the increasing number of young folks and foreign visitors gathering to celebrate Halloween in Japan has been causing quite a ruckus, with issues like excessive noise and littering cropping up. In response to this, the Shibuya and Shinjuku wards came out on the 7th of October to say they’re gonna team up and put in some new measures before the Halloween festivities hit full swing on October 31st.
As per their announcement, they’ve decided to put a ban on street drinking in the areas around Shibuya Station and Shinjuku’s Kabukicho district during the Halloween celebrations. They’re also asking convenience stores and other retailers to cut back on alcohol sales during this time, eh. Both wards plan to carry out patrols to keep an eye on things and will be encouraging residents and visitors alike to adhere to these new guidelines.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
Halloween isn't something you'd traditionally find in Japan, eh?
Eh, when did Halloween end up getting so big in Japan, eh?
It's fantastic that young folks are brimming with energy, eh?
I reckon banning street drinking might be a bit too strict, eh?
Related Words (関連ワード)
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Japanese | Hiragana | English (CA) |
ハロウィーン | はろうぃーん | Halloween |
近年 | きんねん | In recent years |
騒音 | そうおん | excessive noise |
ゴミを捨てる | ごみをすてる | Littering |
これに対応するため | これにたいおうするため | In response |
共同対策 | きょうどうたいさく | joint measures |
〜を前に | 〜をまえに | ahead of ~ |
渋谷 | しぶや | Shibuya |
新宿 | しんじゅく | Shinjuku |
路上飲酒 | ろじょういんしゅ | Public drinking |
コンビニエンスストア | こんびにえんすすとあ | Convenience stores |
販売 | はんばい | sell |
発表によると | はっぴょうによると | According to the announcement |
禁止される | きんしされる | be prohibited |
パトロール | ぱとろーる | patrols |
住民 | じゅうみん | residents |
訪問者 | ほうもんしゃ | Visitors |
ルール | るーる | rules |
遵守 | じゅんしゅ | follow |
呼びかける | よびかける | encourage |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.