In Aichi Prefecture, there's a trend catching on where companies are adding saunas to the office space. The idea is to keep employees both physically and mentally healthy, bolster communication, and boost the overall strength of the company as part of their employee perks. For instance, firms like Tamadic in Nagoya and Kobayashi Create over in Kariya have jumped on board, setting up saunas to create a relaxed spot where both employees and clients can have open chats.
Kawada from the Corporate Sauna Club Alliance is all in favour of this, noting how saunas help break down barriers and foster more casual and open connections. The hope is that by using saunas, communication both inside and outside of the workplace gets a real shot in the arm, helping to unify the team even more.
It looks like office saunas could become a Canada-wide thing before long, really pushing the idea of well-being at work. We can expect more companies to follow suit, using saunas as a way for employees to blow off steam and recharge.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
I'm a tad envious that you can unwind in the sauna, eh! It seems like work would also chug along nicely.
Do you reckon offices outfitted with saunas might become a trend moving forward, eh?
Chattin' away in the sauna really captures the essence of how workin' styles are changin' these days, eh?
Employee benefits are evolving rapidly, eh? What's on the horizon?
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English (CA) |
県 | けん | Prefecture |
トレンド | とれんど | trend |
紹介 | しょうかい | introduïnt |
サウナ | さうな | saunas |
オフィス | おふぃす | offices |
維持する | いじする | maintain |
物理的 | ぶつりてき | physical |
メンタル | めんたる | mental |
健康 | けんこう | Salut |
従業員 | じゅうぎょういん | employees |
コミュニケーション | こみゅにけーしょん | communication |
組織の | そしきの | organizational |
利益 | りえき | advantages |
インストール済み | いんすとーるずみ | Installed |
提供 | ていきょう | providing |
感謝 | かんしゃ | appreciation |
接続 | せつぞく | connection |
全国的 | ぜんこくてき | nationwide |
幸福 | こうふく | Well-being |
インストール | いんすとーる | Installations |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.