The steep prices of high-end sushi joints in New York are causing quite a buzz in Japan. To take a closer look, we compared the costs at "Sushi Noz" in NY with typical prices you'd find in Japan.
For instance, a seafood bowl at Sushi Noz sets you back $60, while a similar dish in Japan can go for just $10 to $20. On top of that, the average tab per person at Sushi Noz hovers around $550, whereas in Japan, you'd spend about $150 to $200 at a high-end sushi spot.
The roughly threefold price difference between sushi restaurants in New York and Japan is largely down to the yen's depreciation and inflation in New York. Plus, Sushi Noz goes the extra mile to fly in most of its ingredients straight from Japan to ensure authenticity, which bumps up the costs. So it's not that Sushi Noz is overcharging, but the stark price contrast between the U.S. and Japan is pretty eye-opening for the Japanese.
Japanese (日本語)
NYの高級寿司店が高すぎると日本で話題になっています。例として、NYの寿司店"Sushi Noz"の値段と一般的な日本での寿司の値段を比較してみました。
例えば図のような海鮮丼はSushi Nozでは1杯60ドルですが、日本では同じようなものが10ドル~20ドルで食べられます。また、Shushi Nozの一人あたりの単価は550ドル前後ですが、日本の高級寿司店だと一人当たり150ドル~200ドルになります。
NYの寿司店と日本の寿司店で約3倍の値段の違いがある理由は、円安が進んだことと、NYでのインフレによるものだそう。また、Sushi Nozでは本物の日本の寿司を提供するために、ほとんどの食材を空輸して日本から運んでいるため仕入れ値が他の店と比べて高いそうです。なので、決してSushi Nozが高すぎる値段を提示しているわけではありませんが、アメリカと日本でこれだけの差があるのは日本人にとって衝撃です。
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
I'd love to head down to New York, but I'm a bit strapped for cash, eh?
Sushi in Japan is quite affordable, eh!
As the Japanese yen has weakened, we're seeing more and more tourists from overseas.
Kids often can't tell the difference between conveyor-belt sushi joints and those fancy high-end sushi restaurants, eh?
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English (CA) |
NY | にゅーよーく | New York |
高級寿司店 | こうきゅうすしてん | Upscale sushi restaurant |
価格差 | かかくさ | Price difference |
値段 | ねだん | Price |
比較 | ひかく | Comparison |
海鮮丼 | かいせんどん | Seafood bowl |
単価 | たんか | Unit price |
円安 | えんやす | Depreciation of the yen |
インフレ | いんふれ | Inflation |
本物の | ほんものの | Authentic |
食材 | しょくざい | Ingredients |
空輸 | くうゆ | Air freight |
決して | けっして | Never |
衝撃 | しょうげき | Shocking |
話題 | わだい | Topic |
前後 | ぜんご | Approximately |
旅行客 | りょこうきゃく | Viatger |
回転寿司 | かいてんずし | Conveyor-belt sushi |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.)
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.