The 50th election for the House of Representatives took place on the 27th, with political reforms and economic measures in response to the Liberal Democratic Party's factional slush fund scandal standing as the primary issues. The focus centres on whether the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito can secure a majority of 233 seats, with Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba designating this majority as the victory threshold for the ruling parties.
This election marks the first in three years since October 2021, with a grand total of 1,344 candidates vying for all 465 seats, comprised of 289 single-member districts and 176 proportional representation seats. By 4 p.m., voter turnout had regrettably declined to 24.32%.
The opposition parties faced challenges in coordinating their candidates, yet the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Democratic Party for the People appear to have garnered a certain degree of support. Furthermore, the "10 increase 10 decrease" adjustment for single-member districts was implemented for the first time, and concurrently, a by-election for the House of Councillors Iwate constituency was conducted on the same day.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
I'm rather keen to see if the governing party can secure a majority in tonight's results!
It is intriguing to observe the extent of the impact that the slush fund scandal may have.
I should very much like to closely observe the extent to which the momentum of the opposition party will expand.
I'm rather concerned about the low voter turnout; I do wish people would show a greater interest.
Related Words (関連ワード)
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Japanese | Hiragana | English (UK) |
派閥的 | はばつてき | factional |
裏工作 | うらこうさく | slush |
比例した | ひれいした | Proportional |
表現 | ひょうげん | representation |
選挙区 | せんきょく | Constituency |
調整 | ちょうせい | coordination |
反対 | はんたい | opposition |
調整 | ちょうせい | Adjustment |
大多数 | おおたすう | Majority |
改革 | かいかく | reforms |
経済 | けいざい | economic |
対策 | たいさく | measures |
スキャンダル | すきゃんだる | scandal |
候補者 | こうほしゃ | candidates |
投票率 | とうひょうりつ | turnout |
支配 | しはい | ruling |
選挙 | せんきょ | election |
勝利 | しょうり | victory |
サポート | さぽーと | Support |
減少 | げんしょう | decrease |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.