N3-N2 (Intermediate) Travel History

Tokyo vs. Osaka: Which Garners More Disfavor?

May 19, 2024

Disliked Prefecture (Source: タウンネット)

As per a dossier assembled by J-Town, a hub for regional insights in Japan, the most frowned-upon prefectures distinctly gravitate between Tokyo in the East and Osaka in the West. Tokyo and Osaka, being the twin titans of Japan's urban landscape, have engaged in a longstanding rivalry, yet the rationales for antipathy towards them appear to diverge. Here's a condensed breakdown of the grievances directed towards Tokyo and Osaka.

Gripes with Tokyo:

  • Overpopulation looms large; its denizens often exude an air of aloofness.
  • A proliferation of crime and mishaps in the news paints a bleak picture of public safety.
  • The exorbitant cost of living serves as a perennial thorn in the side.

Gripes with Osaka:

  • The Kansai dialect fails to charm me.
  • Locals tend to be boisterous, favoring coarse parlance.
  • The association with a sizable presence of yakuza and ruffians leaves a sour impression.

What say you? It's a universal truth, methinks, that even the most illustrious of locales can't escape the ire of some. If there's a locale you're none too fond of, do share your sentiments in the comments section.

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.)

Japanese (日本語)

東京とうきょうvs.大阪おおさか きらわれてるのはどっち?




どうでしたか?どこの地域ちいきでも、有名ゆうめい都市としきらいなひとおおいですよね。 あなたのきらいなくに地域ちいきがあればコメントらんでぜひおしえてください。

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N3-N2 (Intermediate), Travel, History