In Aichi Prefecture, there's a bit of a buzz going on with companies popping saunas into their offices. They're onto it, using these saunas to keep their staff both physically and mentally on top of things, boost communication, and strengthen the team vibes as part of the perks package. Take Tamadic in Nagoya and Kobayashi Create in Kariya, for example. They've got saunas installed, creating a chilled space for yarns between employees and even customers.
Kawada, who's a part of the Corporate Sauna Club Alliance, reckons saunas are ace for building level relationships. The chat will flow both in and out of the office, and it's likely to gel the whole lot together a bit more.
There's a good chance that office saunas will pop up all over the show, helping well-being get a big tick. It looks like more places will jump on the bandwagon, offering staff a spot to de-stress and recharge.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
I'm a bit envious that you can unwind in the sauna! Reckon work would go smoothly too.
Do you reckon having a sauna in the office is going to catch on? It seems like more and more places are keen on making the work environment a bit more, well, bearable. I wouldn't mind a cheeky sauna session during the workday, to be honest. It’d be a mint way to unwind and get rid of some stress. Who knows, maybe it's the next big thing for workplaces looking to pamper their staff. What do you think, is it a trend that's going to take off, or just a bit of a flash in the pan?
Yarnin' in the sauna is a perfect example of how we've shifted into new ways of crackin’ on with work these days.
Crikey, the world of employee benefits is really on the move, eh! So, what's on the horizon?
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English (NZ) |
県 | けん | Prefecture |
トレンド | とれんど | trend |
紹介 | しょうかい | introducing |
サウナ | さうな | saunas |
オフィス | おふぃす | Offices |
維持する | いじする | maintain |
物理的 | ぶつりてき | Physical |
メンタル | めんたる | mental |
健康 | けんこう | Health |
従業員 | じゅうぎょういん | Employees |
コミュニケーション | こみゅにけーしょん | communication |
組織の | そしきの | organisational |
利益 | りえき | benefits |
インストール済み | いんすとーるずみ | installed |
提供 | ていきょう | providing |
感謝 | かんしゃ | Appreciation |
接続 | せつぞく | connection |
全国的 | ぜんこくてき | Nationwide |
幸福 | こうふく | Wellbeing |
インストール | いんすとーる | installations |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.