N5-N4 (Beginner) Game

Kiwis are intrigued: Japanese kids embracing English gaming and questioning PlayStation?

May 17, 2024

"Game*Spark, the go-to for Japanese gaming intel, sat down with some primary schoolers to chat about their gaming habits. The revelations? Astonishing. Picture this: “I'm into English gaming to keep up with my kindergarten English” and “PlayStation? What’s that even?”.

Stats speak volumes: “Minecraft” reigns supreme with the little ones, followed by “Splatoon” holding strong at second place, “Fortnite” in hot pursuit at third, and the evergreen “Mario series” clinching fourth. But hey, where’s “League of Legends” in this mix? Nowhere to be found, mates!

Back in the day, yours truly was all about the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2 grind. But let’s face it, consoles might just be yesterday's news, what with freebie smartphone games taking over. Oh, and guess what our primary school champs do first on their phones? YouTube binge, closely followed by some serious gaming sessions."

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.)

Japanese (日本語)




わたし子供こどもころは、Nintendo 64やプレイステーション2でよくあそんでいましたが、最近さいきんはスマホで手軽てがる無料むりょうゲームをあそぶことができるので、コンソール機器ききはいずれ消滅しょうめつするかもしれません。ちなみに、小学生しょうがくせいがスマホでしていることだい1はYouTube、2がゲームだそうです。

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N5-N4 (Beginner), Game