According to a countrywide emergency phone survey done by Kyodo News, the approval rating for the Ishiba Cabinet has dipped to 32.1%, while the disapproval rating is at 52.2%. A mere 38.4% of folks fancy the continuation of the LDP-Komeito coalition government, whereas 53.0% don't. Moreover, a hefty 79.2% are opposed to lawmakers tangled up in the slush fund scandal being appointed to key roles.
When it comes to the preferred setup for a government, "a new framework through political realignment" is topping the charts with 31.5% backing it. Not many are baying for Prime Minister Ishiba's resignation, as 65.7% reckon it's not necessary for him to step down.
A whopping 91.4% of people feel that the slush fund scandal has contributed to the drop in LDP seats, and there's a widely held belief that the issue of "money and politics" isn't being sorted out anytime soon.
Japanese (日本語)
石破内閣支持率低下、不支持率上昇 - 裏金事件や政権継続に影響か
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
It's quite expected, hey. The approval rating's taken a nosedive. Trust has gone down the drain because of that slush fund scandal and all that, you know.
Is that political realignment ever genuinely going to see the light of day, despite all the talk and chatter we keep hearing about it?
People expected that the cabinet's approval rating would take a knock, but even so, the level of disapproval has really taken us by surprise.
It's a bit tricky not seeing a clear way forward in this situation, hey.
Related Words (関連ワード)
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Japanese | Hiragana | English (South Africa) |
全国 | ぜんこく | Nationwide |
承認 | しょうにん | Approval |
不承認 | ふしょうにん | Disapproval |
連合 | れんごう | Coalition |
予定 | よてい | Appointment |
関与している | かんよしている | Involved |
政治的 | せいじてき | Political |
再編成 | さいへんせい | Realignment |
フレームワーク | ふれーむわーく | Framework |
議員 | ぎいん | Lawmakers |
スキャンダル | すきゃんだる | Scandal |
好みの | このみの | Preferred |
継続 | けいぞく | Continuation |
反対 | はんたい | Opposition |
根絶 | こんぜつ | Eradication |
辞職 | じしょく | Resignation |
電話 | でんわ | Telephone |
実施された | じっしされた | Conducted |
減少 | げんしょう | Decline |
不必要 | ふひつよう | Unnecessary |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.