N5-N4 (Beginner) Game

Japanese Young Ones Nowadays All About “I Play Games in English” and “What Even is a PlayStation?”

May 17, 2024

Game*Spark, a go-to hub for Japanese gaming info, went deep, chatting up primary school kids about their gaming habits. And oh boy, did they come back with some jaw-dropping gems, like, “I’m into English gaming to keep my kindie English fresh” and “PlayStation? What’s that, mate?”.

Now, if we look at the numbers, “Minecraft” takes the crown among the primary school bunch, followed hot on its heels by “Splatoon” in second place, then “Fortnite” chilling at No. 3, and the legendary “Mario series” sliding into fourth. Worldwide, everyone knows “League of Legends,” but it’s like the black sheep here – nowhere to be seen in these rankings.

Back in the day, I used to clock in serious hours on the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2, but now? Consoles might be headed for the history books, ‘cause we’re all about them freebies on our smartphones. And get this, the number one pastime for primary school kids on their phones? You guessed it, YouTube, closely followed by some gaming action.

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.)

Japanese (日本語)




わたし子供こどもころは、Nintendo 64やプレイステーション2でよくあそんでいましたが、最近さいきんはスマホで手軽てがる無料むりょうゲームをあそぶことができるので、コンソール機器ききはいずれ消滅しょうめつするかもしれません。ちなみに、小学生しょうがくせいがスマホでしていることだい1はYouTube、2がゲームだそうです。

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N5-N4 (Beginner), Game