On the 9th of October, 2024, Nintendo dropped a surprise bombshell with the launch of the pricey alarm clock, the "Nintendo Sound Clock Alarmo," and it flew off the shelves almost instantly, catching everyone's fancy. This funky alarm clock boasts alarm sounds featuring Nintendo's beloved characters and is fitted with a radio wave sensor that lets you shut it up with just a bit of movement.
But not everyone is singing its praises. Some critics are scratching their heads over who this clock is really for, given its hefty price tag and the laundry list of installation and usage hassles.
The Alarmo sports a nifty feature where it churns out sounds as you toss and turn, making it a hit not just with the little ones, but with the grown-up fans too.
Japanese (日本語)
任天堂、人気キャラクターのアラーム音を搭載した「ニンテンドーサウンドクロック Alamo」を発売 - 高価ながらも即完売の話題商品
2024年10月9日、任天堂がサプライズで発売した高価な目覚まし時計「ニンテンドーサウンドクロック Alarmo」は、発売後すぐに完売し人気を集めました。この目覚まし時計は、任天堂のキャラクターを使ったアラーム音と電波センサーを搭載しており、動きを感知してアラームを停止する機能が特徴です。
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
Blimey, it's quite a surprise that Nintendo is dropping an alarm clock, hey! But shame, it's a tad on the expensive side, though.
It sounds kak lekker to start the morning with Mario and Zelda! But it's wild how fast they sell out, hey.
I initially reckoned it was for the little ones, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it's quite top-notch. Even the grown-ups might fancy it.
It's a real letdown that it's being resold, but for us Nintendo fans, it's one of those items that's just too hard to pass up.
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English (South Africa) |
インストール | いんすとーる | Installation |
制限 | せいげん | restrictions |
人気 | にんき | Popularity |
多数の | たすうの | numerous |
観客 | かんきゃく | audience |
機能 | きのう | features |
応答する | おうとうする | responds |
生産する | せいさんする | producing |
すぐに | すぐに | immediately |
動き | うごき | motion |
それにもかかわらず | それにもかかわらず | despite |
不明確 | ふめいかく | unclear |
批評家 | ひひょうか | critics |
驚いた | おどろいた | Surprised |
最愛の | さいあいの | Beloved |
含む | ふくむ | includes |
投げる | なげる | tossing |
回転 | かいてん | turning |
訴え | うったえ | appeal |
急勾配 | きゅうこうばい | steep |
*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.) If there are any errors, please edit below.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.