N3-N2 (Intermediate) Travel News

The Price Gap Between Luxury Sushi Spots in New York and Japan is Mind-Blowing

May 26, 2024

Seafood Bowl

The steep prices of high-end sushi spots in New York are sparking quite a buzz back in Japan. Let's take "Sushi Noz" in New York, for instance, and compare its prices with typical sushi expenses in Japan.

To give you an idea, a seafood bowl at Sushi Noz will set you back about $60, while you could enjoy a similar dish in Japan for just $10 to $20. On top of that, the average bill per person at Sushi Noz hovers around $550, whereas a meal at high-end sushi joints in Japan generally costs between $150 and $200.

This roughly threefold price gap between New York and Japan’s sushi restaurants can be pinned down to the depreciation of the yen and inflation in New York. Plus, to serve up authentic Japanese sushi, Sushi Noz flies in most of its ingredients straight from Japan, leading to higher procurement costs compared to other eateries. So, it's not really that Sushi Noz is overcharging, but the stark price difference between the U.S. and Japan is something that’s proving to be quite a shocker for the Japanese.

Japanese (日本語)


NYの高級こうきゅう寿司店すしてんたかすぎると日本にほん話題わだいになっています。れいとして、NYの寿司店すしてん"Sushi Noz"の値段ねだん一般的いっぱんてき日本にほんでの寿司すし値段ねだん比較ひかくしてみました。

たとえばのような海鮮丼かいせんどんはSushi Nozでは1ぱい60ドルですが、日本にほんではおなじようなものが10ドル~20ドルでべられます。また、Shushi Nozの一人ひとりあたりの単価たんかは550ドル前後ぜんごですが、日本にほん高級こうきゅう寿司店すしてんだと一人ひとりたり150ドル~200ドルになります。

NYの寿司店すしてん日本にほん寿司店すしてんやく3ばい値段ねだんちがいがある理由りゆうは、円安えんやすすすんだことと、NYでのインフレによるものだそう。また、Sushi Nozでは本物ほんもの日本にほん寿司すし提供ていきょうするために、ほとんどの食材しょくざい空輸くうゆして日本にほんからはこんでいるため仕入しいみせくらべてたかいそうです。なので、けっしてSushi Nozがたかすぎる値段ねだん提示ていじしているわけではありませんが、アメリカと日本にほんでこれだけのがあるのは日本人にほんじんにとって衝撃しょうげきです。

Sentence Quiz (文章問題)

Ek wil graag New York toe gaan, maar ek het nie die geld nie.


Sushi in Japan is lekker goedkoop!


As the Japanese yen has taken a bit of a knock, the number of tourists from overseas is on the up.


Kids can't really tell the difference between the sushi you get off those conveyor belts and the fancy sushi you get at high-end restaurants.


Related Words (関連ワード)

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JapaneseHiraganaEnglish (SA)
NYにゅーよーくNew York
高級寿司店こうきゅうすしてんLuxury sushi restaurant
価格差かかくさPrice difference
海鮮丼かいせんどんSeafood bowl
単価たんかUnit price
円安えんやすYen depreciation
回転寿司かいてんずしConveyor-belt sushi

*This article has been translated by AI. For more accurate information, please click here to view the original. (The original text is in American English and Japanese.)

Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.

-N3-N2 (Intermediate), Travel, News