N3-N2 (Intermediate) News

What is the story of Shogi?

December 31, 2023


Shogi is a traditional Japanese board game from the Heian period. The predecessor of shogi is a dice game called "Chandraga," played in northern India around the 5th century. It is assumed that the prototype of shogi originated in the late Heian period and that similar rules were already established in the Muromachi period. In the Edo period (1603-1867), shogi became a popular pastime, and there were professional players. Shogi was considered part of the warrior class's training from the Warring States period to the Edo period. Modern rules were developed in the Meiji era (1868-1912), and the Shogi Association was founded. Tournaments such as the Ryuoh Tournament and the Meijin Tournament were organized, and the activities of professional shogi players attracted great attention. With the development of computers, shogi software has also emerged, and human versus AI games are also played. Shogi is still very popular today as an intellectual game rooted in Japanese culture.





Japanese Hiragana English
将棋 しょうぎ Shogi
ボードゲーム ぼーどげーむ Board Game
伝統的 でんとうてき Traditional
起源 きげん Origin
平安時代 へいあんじだい Heian Period
前身 ぜんしん Predecessor
中国 ちゅうごく China
象戯 ぞうぎ Elephant Game (Ancient Chinese Chess)
9世紀 きゅうせいき 9th Century
伝わる つたわる Be Transmitted
原型 げんけい Prototype
形成 けいせい Formation
室町時代 むろまちじだい Muromachi Period
類似 るいじ Similarity
ルール るーる Rules
確立 かくりつ Establishment
江戸時代 えどじだい Edo Period
大衆 たいしゅう Popularity
娯楽 ごらく Entertainment
普及 ふきゅう Spread
プロの棋士 ぷろのきし Professional Shogi Player
登場 とうじょう Appearance
戦国時代 せんごくじだい Sengoku Period
教養 きょうよう Culture
明治時代 めいじじだい Meiji Period
近代的 きんだいてき Modern
将棋連盟 しょうぎれんめい Japan Shogi Association
設立 せつりつ Establishment
20世紀 にじっせいき 20th Century
発展 はってん Development
竜王戦 りゅうおうせん Ryūō Tournament
名人戦 めいじんせん Meijin Tournament
大会 たいかい Tournament
開かれる ひらかれる Be Held
活躍 かつやく Activity
注目 ちゅうもく Attention
コンピュータ こんぴゅーた Computer
進化 しんか Evolution
将棋ソフト しょうぎそふと Shogi Software
人間対AI にんげんたいえーあい Human vs. AI
対局 たいきょく Game
日本文化 にほんぶんか Japanese Culture
根付く ねつく Take Root
知的 ちてき Intellectual
ゲーム げーむ Game
現代 げんだい Modern Times
親しまれる したしまれる Be Popular

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