Children's Day
May 5th is a Japanese national holiday known as Children’s Day. It was once called “Tango no Sekku,” an event that celebrated the growth of boys. Children would hoist carp-shaped flags of various sizes in the blue sky. These flags were called “Koinobori” or carp streamers. Carp streamers are a type of flag used in the military and at festivals since ancient times, and their brightly colored appearance has always been a joy to behold. In the past, this event involved using helmets and armors to decorate and flying carp streamers to pray for the healthy growth and success of boys.
The helmets and armor displayed on Children's Day are called “May dolls." These dolls are made with the wish that boys will grow up to be strong and wise men. In my family, my grandfather used to display magnificent May dolls, and just looking at them made me happy. For boys, the May dolls look cool, and although the price of an authentic, handicraft-like helmet is expensive, ranging from 150,000 yen to 300,000 yen, there are still families with children who display them today.
On this day, there are also customs to enjoy foods that are said to bring good luck, such as "chimaki"(dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves) and "kashiwa-mochi" (rice cake with sweetened oak leaves), as well as enjoying a "shobuyu" (bath with iris petals). It is believed that shobuyu has the effect of warding off evil spirits and has a pleasant aroma.
Tango no Sekku is an event that came from China, but in Japan, it has been celebrated since the Nara period (710-794). Even today, items such as carp streamers, May dolls, chimaki, and kashiwa-mochi are sold at supermarkets and convenience stores.
文章問題(Sentence Quiz)
Today is Children's Day
Children's Day is one of the days of Golden Week.
When I was a child, this day made me especially happy for some reason.
Seeing carp streamers still makes me feel good.
関連ワード(Related Words)
日本語 | ひらがな | 英語 |
日本 | にほん | Japan |
祝日 | しゅくじつ | National holiday |
こどもの日 | こどものひ | Children's Day |
知られている | しられている | Known |
かつて | かつて | Once |
端午の節句 | たんごのせっく | Tango no Sekku |
呼ばれ | よばれ | Called |
男の子 | おとこのこ | Boy |
成長 | せいちょう | Growth |
祝う | いわう | Celebrate |
行事 | ぎょうじ | Event |
子供たち | こどもたち | Children |
青空 | あおぞら | Blue sky |
飛び交う | とびかう | Fluttering |
大小 | だいしょう | Small and large |
鯉の旗 | こいのはた | Koi flag |
掲げ | かかげ | Raise |
鯉のぼり | こいのぼり | Koinobori (carp streamers) |
昔 | むかし | Old days |
軍 | ぐん | Army |
祭り | まつり | Festival |
使われてきた | つかわれてきた | Has been used |
旗 | はた | Flag |
一種 | いっしゅ | One kind |
色鮮やかな | いろあざやかな | Colorful |
姿 | すがた | Figure |
見る者 | みるもの | Viewer |
心 | こころ | Heart |
楽しませてきました | たのしませてきました | Have been entertaining |
成功 | せいこう | Success |
祈って | いのって | Pray |
兜 | かぶと | Helmet |
鎧 | よろい | Armor |
立てる | たてる | Stand up |
重要 | じゅうよう | Important |
アイテム | あいてむ | Item |
家 | いえ | House |
おじいちゃん | おじいちゃん | Grandpa |
五月人形 | ごがつにんぎょう | May doll |
飾って | かざって | Decorate |
幸せな | しあわせな | Happy |
気持ち | きもち | Feeling |
格好良く | かっこよく | Cool |
見える | みえる | Look |
本格的な | ほんかくてきな | Authentic |
値段 | ねだん | Price |
高価 | こうか | Expensive |
家庭 | かてい | Family |
飾る | かざる | Decorate |
人 | ひと | People |
ちまき | ちまき | Chimaki (dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves) |
柏餅 | かしわもち | Kashiwa-mochi (rice cake wiith sweetened oak leaves) |
縁起が良い | えんぎがいい | Good luck |
食べ物 | たべもの | Food |
菖蒲湯 | しょうぶゆ | Shobuyu (bath with iris leaves) |
楽しむ | たのしむ | Enjoy |
習慣 | しゅうかん | Custom |
邪気 | じゃき | Evil spirits |
払う | はらう | Drive away |
効果 | こうか | Effect |
信じられて | しんじられて | Believed |
心地よい | ここちよい | Comfortable |
香り | かおり | Scent |
漂います | ただよいます | Drift |
中国 | ちゅうごく | China |
伝わった | つたわった | Was transmitted |
奈良時代 | ならじだい | Nara period |
続いて | つづいて | Continuing |
売られている | うられている | Are sold |