私が子供の頃は、Nintendo 64やプレイステーション2でよく遊んでいましたが、最近はスマホで手軽に無料ゲームを遊ぶことができるので、コンソール機器はいずれ消滅するかもしれません。ちなみに、小学生がスマホでしていること第1位はYouTube、2位がゲームだそうです。
Japanese elementary school students these days are saying “I play games in English” and “What's a PlayStation?”
Game*Spark, a Japanese video game information site, interviewed elementary school students about the games they are currently playing and how they play them. They got surprising answers such as “I play games in English to remember the English I learned in kindergarten” and “What is a PlayStation?".
According to statistics, “Minecraft” is the No. 1 game played by elementary school students these days, followed by “Splatoon” at No. 2, “Fortnite” at No. 3, and the “Mario series” at No. 4. In the world, “League of Legends” is well known, but it is unique in that it is not in the ranking at all.
When I was a child, I used to play a lot on Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2, but nowadays, console devices may become obsolete because we can easily play free games on smartphones. Incidentally, the No. 1 thing elementary school students do on their smartphones is YouTube, followed by playing games.
Hey Kasumi, did you see that interview on Game*Spark about what games Japanese elementary school students are playing these days?
That is surprising! And funny how some kids don’t even know what a PlayStation is. Times have really changed, huh?
Yeah, I noticed that too. According to the statistics, “Minecraft” is the most popular game among elementary school students in Japan. Then there's “Splatoon” and “Fortnite.” The “Mario series” is still holding on at fourth place.
It seems like Japanese kids have different preferences. Maybe “League of Legends” is too complex for them, or perhaps the appeal of mobile gaming is just stronger.
Absolutely. When I was young, I spent hours playing on my Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2. It’s hard to imagine those devices becoming obsolete, but I guess that’s the direction we’re heading.
It sure is. It’ll be interesting to see what the next generation of gaming and entertainment will look like.
文章問題(Sentence Quiz)
One hour a day for games!
If you charge for smartphone games, you'll fail.
Playing games in English is good for education in my opinion.
If possible, I want them to make their own games and learn programming too.
関連ワード(Related Words)
日本語 | ひらがな | 英語 |
情報 | じょうほう | Information |
小学生 | しょうがくせい | Elementary school student |
ゲーム | げーむ | Game |
遊ぶ | あそぶ | Play |
幼稚園 | ようちえん | Kindergarten |
習う | ならう | Learn |
英語 | えいご | English |
忘れる | わすれる | Forget |
プレステ | ぷれすて | PlayStation |
統計 | とうけい | Statistics |
最近の | さいきんの | these days |
ランキング | らんきんぐ | Ranking |
世界 | せかい | World |
特徴的 | とくちょうてき | Unique |
子供の頃 | こどものころ | Childhood |
マインクラフト | まいんくらふと | Minecraft |
スプラトゥーン | すぷらとぅーん | Splatoon |
フォートナイト | ふぉーとないと | Fortnite |
マリオシリーズ | まりおしりーず | Mario series |
リーグ・オブ・レジェンド | りーぐ・おぶ・れじぇんど | League of Legends |
Nintendo 64 | にんてんどうろくよん | Nintendo 64 |
プレイステーション2 | ぷれいすてーしょんつー | PlayStation 2 |
スマホ | すまほ | Smartphone |
無料ゲーム | むりょうげーむ | Free game |
コンソール機器 | こんそーるきき | Console |
消滅 | しょうめつ | Disappearance |