中級者向け アニメ・漫画 ゲーム


1月 26, 2024






Pokémon Sleep" has announced the average hours of sleep by country and found that Japan is at the bottom of the list.

Pokémon Sleep," which allows users to collect and play with sleep time and sleep data by simply placing their smartphone under their pillow every night, announced the average sleep time by country: France ranked first with 6 hours and 47 minutes, followed by the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and the United States, and Italy came in second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, respectively. And Japan was in last place with 5 hours and 52 minutes. The data was collected from 100,000 players, and the results prove that Japanese people sleep less than others.

In addition, when Japanese users were surveyed, 88% said that their sleeping habits had improved.

文章問題(Sentence Quiz)

The quality of sleep is more important than the quantity of sleep.



I slept only three hours last night.

I've completed Pokédex of Pokémon GO!



Pikachu and Eevee are cute.


表示/非表示 切り替えボタン

日本語 ひらがな 英語
ポケモンスリープ ぽけもんすりーぷ Pokémon Sleep
睡眠時間 すいみんじかん Sleeping hour
フランス ふらんす France
イギリス いぎりす United Kingdom
カナダ かなだ Canada
ドイツ どいつ Germany
アメリカ あめりか United States
イタリア いたりあ Italy
最下位 さいかい Last Place
プレイヤー ぷれいやー Player
アンケート あんけーと Survey
睡眠習慣 すいみんしゅうかん Sleep Habits
改善 かいぜん Improvement

© Hiroto T. Murakami


-中級者向け, アニメ・漫画, ゲーム