中級者向け ニュース


2月 20, 2024

見つかった真珠(ソース: Yahoo!ニュース)



Seven Pearls Found in a Scallop Bought at a Supermarket

A father and son bought half-priced scallops at a supermarket in Chiba Prefecture, and when they went to open them, they discovered a surprising treasure. They noticed a white object under the price tag, which turned out to be a pearl. The scallop contained seven pearls, and the father and son were overjoyed at this discovery. Natural pearls are scarce in scallops, and the probability is one in 200,000. Therefore, this discovery is reported to be extremely valuable. However, since the value of pearls varies greatly depending on their size and quality, this found pearl needed to be bigger to be priced. The parents and children are told to keep these seven pearls as their treasures. Incidentally, the family then grilled the scallops and ate them with relish.

センテンスクイズ(Sentence Quiz)

My grandmother liked pearls.



Pearls are important treasures even if they are small.

"The raw scallops are the most delicious ones to eat."



I want to give her a big pearl necklace someday.

関連ワード(Related Words)

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Japanese Hiragana English
半額 はんがく Half price
ホタテ ほたて Scallop
真珠 しんじゅ Pearl
値札 ねふだ Price tag
天然真珠 てんねんしんじゅ Natural pearl
確率 かくりつ Probability
貴重 きちょう Precious
大きさや品質 おおきさやひんしつ Size and quality
つぶ Grain
値段をつける ねだんをつける Set a price
宝物 たからもの Treasure
保管 ほかん Storage
家族 かぞく Family
焼く やく Bake
美味しく食べる おいしくたべる Eat deliciously

Hiroto T. Murakami


-中級者向け, ニュース