中級者向け ニュース


4月 20, 2024

富裕層が着る服ランキング (ソース: まいどなニュース)



The number one clothing brand worn by wealthy people with annual incomes of 20 million yen or more is UNIQLO.

Luxury Card surveyed 342 wealthy individuals with annual incomes of 20 million yen or more on the clothes they often wear, and to their surprise, the number one brand was "UNIQLO." In the luxury brand category, "Louis Vuitton" ranked first. According to other survey results, the most popular hobby was "domestic travel," followed by "gourmet food" and "international travel." Also, their favorite car brand was "Mercedes-Benz." The results showed that wealthy people in Japan do not care much about famous and expensive brands or things that people envy. I am not rich, but I think that UNIQLO makes simple and very nice clothes.

文章問題(Sentence Quiz)


During the bubble period, Japanese people were buying luxury brands.


We live in an age when both wealthy individuals and ordinary people wear UNIQLO.


Mercedes-Benz is not treated as a luxury car abroad.


It's all about how you spend money.

関連ワード(Related Words)


日本語 ひらがな 英語
ラグジュアリーカード らぐじゅありーかーど Luxury card
富裕層 ふゆうそう Wealthy indivisual
調査 ちょうさ Survey
ブランド ぶらんど Brand
ユニクロ ゆにくろ UNIQLO
高級ブランド こうきゅうぶらんど Luxury brand
ルイ・ヴィトン るい・ゔぃとん Louis Vuitton
趣味 しゅみ Hobby
国内旅行 こくないりょこう Domestic travel
メルセデス・ベンツ めるせです・べんつ Mercedes-Benz



-中級者向け, ニュース