中級者向け ニュース


2月 20, 2024

蘇民祭(ソース: NHK NEWS)



The "Sominsai" festival, with a history of over 1,000 years, ends this year.

On the 17th, a " Sominsai " festival was held at Kokuseki Temple in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture. This festival is a traditional event to pray for rice and health and has a history of over 1,000 years. However, this year was the last time the festival was held due to a decrease in the number of participants. A popular event at the festival is a race among naked men to pick up a sack called a "somin bag," in which more than 270 people participated this year. The last participant who took the bag said, "I am sad to see it end, but this year was a wonderful memory.

センテンスクイズ(Sentence Quiz)

It's amazing that the festival continued for 1000 years.



The declining birthrate and aging population are unstoppable.

It's hard to wear water naked at this time.



Japanese love festivals.

関連ワード(Related Words)

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Japanese Hiragana English
蘇民祭 そみんさい Somin-sai Festival
伝統行事 でんとうぎょうじ Traditional Event
1000年以上の歴史 せんねんいじょうのれきし Over 1000 Years of History
参加者の減少 さんかしゃのげんしょう Decrease in Participants
最後の開催 さいごのかいさい Last Hosting
人気イベント にんきイベント Popular Event
裸になった男たち はだかになったおとこたち Men Who Became Naked
競争 きょうそう Competition
素晴らしい思い出 すばらしいおもいで Wonderful Memories

Hiroto T. Murakami


-中級者向け, ニュース