Two Japanese won the Ig Nobel Prize for developing the "Taste-Stimulating Spoon."
The Ig Nobel Prize has been announced, and two Japanese researchers have won this year. The two winners developed a "taste-stimulating spoon" with a food manufacturer. This spoon has a power switch, and the electricity power attracts sodium ions, the source of salty taste, to the tongue to intensify the flavor. This allows the user to taste the taste of salt even when the amount of salt is small.
文章問題(Sentence Quiz)
Every year I check who won the Ig Novel Prize.
Japanese researchers have won the Ig Nobel Prize for 17 consecutive years.
表示/非表示 切り替えボタン
日本語 | ひらがな | 英語 |
イグノーベル賞 | いぐのーべるしょう | Ig Nobel Prize |
受賞者 | じゅしょうしゃ | Recipient |
食品メーカー | しょくひんめーかー | Food Manufacturer |
味覚刺激スプーン | みかくしげきすぷーん | Taste-Stimulating Spoon |
電源スイッチ | でんげんすいっち | Power Switch |
ナトリウムイオン | なとりうむいおん | Sodium Ion |
味を強める | あじをつよめる | Enhance Flavor |
塩の量 | しおのりょう | Amount of Salt |
効果 | こうか | Effect |
舌 | した | Tongue |
© Hiroto T. Murakami