N1-Native (Fluent) News

Japan is No. 1 in the ranking of countries to visit after the Coronavirus

May 28, 2022

In 2022, the World Economic Forum (WEF) was released. Japan took the top spot for the first time in the annual survey for travel and tourist development capacity. Despite the suspension of foreign tourists due to the Corona disaster, Japan was recognized for its transportation infrastructure and cultural richness.

The survey covered 117 countries and regions, with the United States, Spain, France, and Germany following Japan. The survey is conducted every other year, and Japan was ranked 4th in the previous edition (2019) but was ranked 2nd when recalculated based on the reevaluated based on criteria for the 2021 edition.

The results from a web-based survey conducted by the Development Bank of Japan asked people: "Would you like to travel abroad after the end of the coronavirus Pandemic?" from Asian countries and Western countries showed that 82% of respondents answered "Yes" or "somewhat agree" to the question.

Japan topped the list of which country respondents would like to travel to with 46% (choosing Japan), followed by South Korea (22%) and Taiwan (17%).

When asked why they would like to visit Japan after the end of the coronavirus pandemic, 43% claimed that "Japan has good food," 37% said, "I have traveled there before and liked it," 36% said "Japan is clean," and 33% responded that "it is safe." On the other hand, Japan was not rated highly in terms of "multilingual support," and it seems that Japan is not recognized as a country with "low corona cases."

Japan No.1 in the world!
Pushed aside by an array of western countries.
Japan is the most attractive tourist destination in the world!
That's great!

More tourists from neighboring countries will come to our country… →Worsening of security →Increase of illegal immigration…
Because Japan is cheap.
Compared to developed countries, our people are forced to endure low wages and low costs. In addition, the yen is weak. For foreigners coming from countries with high wages and inflation, it must be a paradise where everything is "cheap" and "inexpensive.”





旅行りょこうさきとしてえらばれる日本にほんつよみをいたところ、「ものがおいしいから」43%、「以前いぜん旅行りょこうしてったから」37%、「清潔せいけつだから」36%、「安全あんぜんだから」33%となりました。一方いっぽう、「多言語たげんご対応たいおう」での評価ひょうかひくく、「コロナがいすくないくに 」としても認識にんしきされていないようです。


世界せかい経済けいざいフォーラム;World Economic Forum



交通こうつうインフラ;transportation infrastructure


隔年かくねん;every other year

評価ひょうか基準きじゅん;evaluation criteria

日本政策投資銀行にっぽんせいさくとうしぎんこう;Development Bank of Japan








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