N1-Native (Fluent) News

Japan's "Happening Bar" is Exposed.

May 18, 2022

”Sleeping Beauty”, a happening bar in Shibuya, Tokyo, was busted by the Metropolitan Police Department late at night on May 7. A male and female customer who were having sex were arrested for the offense of public indecency, and the proprietor and nine employees were arrested on suspicions of aiding and abetting public indecency.

Happening bars are bars that pose as members-only bars, but in reality, are places where customers with various tastes gather and have sex with each other under the guise of "happening". There are about 100 bars similar to things, mainly in Tokyo and Osaka.

This large-scale store, which claims on its website to be "one of the largest in Japan," is believed to have sold more than 500 million yen ($4 million) in the year and a half since October 2020, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. On the day of the event, about 70 men and women came to the store to shoot each other with lotion in a water gun.

The woman who was at the store at the time said, "I went to the store around 11:00 pm. I was wearing the shirt they handed out with no bra on and just a pair of pants underneath. We were all cackling and shooting lotion squirt guns and having a blast as if we had returned to our childhood. There must have been about 50 people on the floor."

Most of the customers who were playing with the lotion guns were completely naked and covered in lotion. They also began playing with a number of other men lying on their backs in a row on the floor, with men and women sliding on top of them.

Another customer said that about 10 plainclothes police officers rushed into the store with cameras rolling and said, "Police! Don't move!" He remarked.

Various opinions were posted online about this incident.

Rare proclivities have to be repressed…
What's that? That sounds super fun. Tell me more about it.
If I had known about the event, I would have gone.
I don't really want to imagine the police coming in when a naked woman is sliding over a row of naked men.




ハプニングバー;Happening bar

ねむれるもり美女びじょ;Sleeping beauty

警視庁けいしちょう;Metropolitan Police Department



公然こうぜんわいせつ;public indecency






水鉄砲みずでっぽう;water gun


童心どうしんかえる;retrieve one's childish innocence


全裸ぜんら;completely naked


私服しふく;plain clothes



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-N1-Native (Fluent), News