N1-Native (Fluent) News

Not in Education, Employment, or Training(NEET) people living in the mountains

May 5, 2022

Do you know a NEET(Not in Education, Employment, or Training person) who lives deep in the mountains?

In Japan, the number of young unemployed persons (those in the non-working population aged 15-34 who are neither doing household chores nor attending school) increased significantly in 2002 and has generally remained unchanged, reaching 630,000 in 2012. The percentage of this age group has been gradually increasing, and reaching 2.3% in 2012.

While the number of these young people living without work is increasing, there is a group that has achieved an interesting way of life deep in the mountains. Commonly referred to as "NEETs in the deep mountains," they live together in the forest tucked away with the protection of the mountains. They are living with minimal monthly living expenses of less than $150 (20,000 yen). Their dwelling is an abandoned school and leads a self-sufficient lifestyle through farming and other activities. This mountain is now composed of many young people who are tired of their lives as Japanese company employees.

The residence they live in is shown below, where 14 people are currently living together.

Source: The Asahi Shinbun Company, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUYj2RBWLqc

They live by making bonfires to boil water and drinking natural spring water.

Food expenses for April were 10,068yen (about $70), 2 meals out.
Most of the vegetables I put in my mouth cost zero yen...
That's amazing deep in the mountains in spring!

I want to live loosely, I like it. I want to live by photosynthesis alone, without any labor.
I think it is wonderful that everyone is helping each other and living together. I️ think it would be great if there were places like this in every prefecture with the cooperation of the government.
I think you can live the life you want.
Everyone has their own opinion.

What do you think of their lifestyle?
Do you admire them? Or do you want to work and live normally?





山奥やまおく;deep in the mountains

ニート;young person Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


労働力ろうどうりょく人口じんこう;non-labor force population

家事かじ;household chores






廃校はいこう;closed school

生活せいかつ;cost of living




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-N1-Native (Fluent), News