N3-N2 (Intermediate) News

Novel Written Using AI Wins Akutagawa Prize

January 19, 2024

Rie Kudan

The Akutagawa Prize, one of Japan's most esteemed literary awards, has been announced, and Rie Kudan from Saitama Prefecture has been named the recipient for her work "Tokyo Metropolitan Sympathy Tower." During a press conference, Kudan expressed her joy and gratitude: "I am extremely happy. This novel, which I wrote out of love, has given me the strength to keep writing. I want to thank my publishers, family, friends, and readers for their support." Additionally, Kudan revealed that she created this work using AI, stating, "I often consult with AI about worries and concerns that I can't share with anyone. When AI doesn't say what I expected, I sometimes incorporate the feelings I experienced into the dialogue of the protagonist, an architect. While continuing to make good use of generative AI, I want to write novels that showcase my creativity."





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Japanese Hiragana English
芥川賞 あくたがわしょう Akutagawa Prize
受賞 じゅしょう award
九段理江 くだんりえ Kudan Rie
東京都同情塔 とうきょうとどうじょうとう Tokyo Metropolitan Sympathy Tower
埼玉県 さいたまけん Saitama Prefecture
記者会見 きしゃかいけん press conference
小説 しょうせつ novel
出版社 しゅっぱんしゃ publishing company
家族 かぞく family
友人 ゆうじん friend
読者 どくしゃ reader
感謝 かんしゃ gratitude
作品 さくひん work (piece of art)
AI えーあい Artificial Intelligence
建築家 けんちくか architect
セリフ せりふ line (in a play or movie)
生成AI せいせいえーあい generative AI
利用 りよう utilization
創造性 そうぞうせい creativity
発揮 はっき demonstration (of ability)

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