N1-Native (Fluent) News

Shrunken 1,000-yen bills are handed at the cash register of a Japanese convenience store.

January 12, 2024

Shrunken 1,000 yen bill (Source: X @kontorasut115)

A certain X user is making headlines for receiving a shrunken one-thousand-yen bill at a convenience store. After posting a photo, the post garnered over 77,000 likes, and many comments suggested that the bill shrank due to washing. According to @kontorasut115, they received the shrunken bill at a convenience store, noticed the size difference after putting it in their wallet, and posted a photo. They clarified that it was not due to washing but a genuine one-thousand-yen bill, expressing their surprise. The article also discusses the average lifespan of bills and the procedures for returning them to the Bank of Japan. It conveys that @kontorasut115 intends to take the bill to the bank without using it.





Japanese Hiragana English
Xユーザー えっくすゆーざー X user
コンビニ こんびに convenience store
千円札 せんえんさつ thousand yen bill
縮む ちぢむ shrink
いいね いいね like (on social media)
洗濯 せんたく laundry
写真 しゃしん photo
投稿 とうこう post (on social media)
財布 さいふ wallet
サイズ さいず size
異なる ことなる differ
気付く きづく notice
本物 ほんもの real thing
驚き おどろき surprise
kontorasut115 こんとらすと115 contrast 115
平均寿命 へいきんじゅみょう average lifespan
日本銀行 にほんぎんこう Bank of Japan
返却手続き へんきゃくてつづき return process
使用しない しようしない not in use
銀行 ぎんこう bank

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-N1-Native (Fluent), News