Sumitomo Pharma announced that it plans to submit an application for national approval for Parkinson's disease treatment using nerve cells created from iPS cells after the fiscal year 2025. The delay from the initial schedule is attributed to the need for further consideration in interpreting the clinical trial data.
On the other hand, they stated that the clinical trial results are as expected. Sumitomo Pharma is evaluating the progress of the research and identifying the necessary elements for future planning.
Going forward, they aim to devise strategies and make preparations for a swift application, aiming to provide a new option for Parkinson's disease treatment.
Japanese (日本語)
Sentence Quiz (文章問題)
Because it's an incurable disease, I hope it gets approved quickly!
It will be a great hope for researchers and patients.
I look forward to Kyoto University's data! I hope they properly verify safety as well.
It looks like it will take a long time, until after the 2025 fiscal year.
Related Words (関連ワード)
Toggle Button
Japanese | Hiragana | English |
提出 | ていしゅつ | submit |
アプリケーション | あぷりけーしょん | application |
国際的 | こくさいてき | national |
承認 | しょうにん | approval |
パーキンソン病 | ぱーきんそんびょう | Parkinson's |
治療 | ちりょう | treatment |
神経 | しんけい | nerve |
セル | せる | cells |
作成済み | さくせいずみ | created |
iPS | あいぴーえす | iPS |
財政 | ざいせい | fiscal |
遅延 | ちえん | delay |
初期 | しょき | initial |
スケジュール | すけじゅーる | schedule |
帰属 | きぞく | attributed |
検討 | けんとう | consideration |
解釈 | かいしゃく | interpreting |
臨床 | りんしょう | clinical |
試み | こころみ | trial |
データ | でーた | data |
John and Kasumi's Discussions
So, Kasumi, did you see the news about the iPS cells? They’re getting closer to treating Parkinson’s disease!
Yeah, seems like they're taking their time, but I guess it's better to be careful when you're dealing with brain cells. Can't afford any oopsies in there!
Absolutely! Imagine that—people going from shaking hands to high-fives in no time. Though, I wonder how it feels to have new brain cells... Do they come with a user manual?
Haha! "Please reboot your brain by taking a nap." If only that worked in real life... But seriously, it’s amazing how science is catching up to science fiction.
Yeah, the CEO mentioned they’re still analyzing the data. I mean, it’s good to double-check, but I hope they don’t take forever. People with Parkinson’s can’t exactly wait around, right?
Exactly. They want to get it right, but delays can feel like eternity for patients. And you know, medical advancements like this really show how teamwork between science and business can save lives.
Totally! Japan’s making waves in medicine. Now, if only they could apply the same dedication to... say, faster Wi-Fi speeds.
Haha! Right? Whether it's brain cells or buffering videos, nobody wants to wait too long. But hey, at least in this case, it's worth the wait.
Created by Hiroto T. Murakami.