Despite Japan being known for having a considerable number of public holidays compared to other countries, the issue of long working hours in the country is a serious societal problem. Japan has 17 public holidays yearly, more than France, the United States, and many other Asian countries. However, the irony is that Japan provides only 20 paid vacation days, and people take an average of only 10 days off, resulting in a 50% utilization rate. In contrast, European countries, such as France and Spain, exhibit higher rates of paid vacation utilization, showcasing a significant gap compared to Japan. Among Asian countries, Singapore provides 16 days, and South Korea offers 15 days, both falling below Japan.
According to experts, Europeans tend to take vacations more often and prioritize leisure time over work during holidays. In contrast, Japan strongly emphasizes work and often views taking time off as a reward for hard work.
Japanese | Hiragana | English |
長時間労働 | ちょうじかんろうどう | long working hours |
社会問題 | しゃかいもんだい | social issue |
休めない | やすめない | unable to rest |
イメージ | いめーじ | image |
裏腹 | うらはら | in contrast to |
祝祭日 | しゅくさいじつ | public holiday |
指摘 | してき | pointing out |
年間 | ねんかん | annual |
他国 | たこく | other countries |
比較 | ひかく | comparison |
非常に | ひじょうに | very |
有給休暇 | ゆうきゅうきゅうか | paid vacation |
消化数 | しょうかすう | number of days taken |
取得率 | しゅとくりつ | acquisition rate |
ヨーロッパ諸国 | よーろっぱしょこく | European countries |
フランス | ふらんす | France |
スペイン | すぺいん | Spain |
優れて | すぐれて | excellent |
大きな差 | おおきなさ | big difference |
アジア諸国 | あじあしょこく | Asian countries |
シンガポール | しんがぽーる | Singapore |
韓国 | かんこく | South Korea |
下回る | したまわる | fall below |
専門家 | せんもんか | expert |
バカンス | ばかんす | vacation |
一般的 | いっぱんてき | common |