On New Year's Eve 2023, the Tokyo stock market closed at 33,464.17 yen, down 75.45 yen from the previous day, as the economy normalized from the impact of the new coronavirus and the weaker yen improved the performance of global companies. This is the highest in 34 years, since 1989, when the bubble economy was at its peak, and the rise since the end of last year reached 28%. The Nikkei 225, which started at 25,800 yen in early 2023, rose sharply until mid-year, reaching a post-bubble high of 33,753.33 yen on July 3, 2012. The TSE urged companies to focus on capital efficiency and share price, and listed companies increased dividends and share buybacks. Foreign investors aggressively bought Japanese stocks as Warren Buffett visited Japan and hinted that he would consider additional investments in Japanese stocks. However, in the year's second half, the share price temporarily fell to around 30,000 yen due to rising long-term interest rates in the US and sluggish growth in high-tech stocks. Towards the end of the year, however, the Nikkei 225 recovered and rose by 7,369.67 yen.
Japanese | Hiragana | English |
大晦日 | おおみそか | New Year's Eve |
東京株式市場 | とうきょうかぶしきしじょう | Tokyo Stock Market |
新型コロナウイルス | しんがたころなういるす | Novel Coronavirus |
経済の正常化 | けいざいのせいじょうか | Economic normalization |
円安 | えんやす | Weakening of the yen |
グローバル企業 | ぐろーばるきぎょう | Global companies |
業績改善 | ぎょうせきかいぜん | Improvement in performance |
日経平均株価 | にっけいへいきんかぶか | Nikkei Stock Average |
バブル経済 | ばぶるけいざい | Bubble economy |
最盛期 | さいせいき | Peak period |
高値 | たかね | High price |
上昇率 | じょうしょうりつ | Rate of increase |
日経平均 | にっけいへいきん | Nikkei Average |
東証 | とうしょう | Tokyo Stock Exchange |
資本効率 | しほんこうりつ | Capital efficiency |
株価 | かぶか | Stock prices |
要請 | ようせい | Request |
上場企業 | じょうじょうきぎょう | Listed companies |
配当 | はいとう | Dividends |
自社株買い | じしゃかぶかい | Share buyback |
ウォーレン・バフェット | うぉーれん・ばふぇっと | Warren Buffett |
来日 | らいにち | Visit to Japan |
追加投資 | ついかとうし | Additional investment |
海外投資家 | かいがいとうしか | Foreign investors |
日本株 | にほんかぶ | Japanese stocks |
米国 | べいこく | United States |
長期金利 | ちょうききんり | Long-term interest rates |
ハイテク株 | はいてくかぶ | High-tech stocks |
水準 | すいじゅん | Level |
回復 | かいふく | Recovery |
年間全体 | ねんかんぜんたい | Annual overall |
上昇 | じょうしょう | Rise |
下落 | げらく | Decline |
前日比 | ぜんじつひ | Day-before comparison |
影響 | えいきょう | Influence |
背景 | はいけい | Background |
正常 | せいじょう | Normal |
急上昇 | きゅうじょうしょう | Rapid rise |
バブル崩壊 | ばぶるほうかい | Bubble burst |
動き | うごき | Movement |
積極的 | せっきょくてき | Positive |
買い | かい | Buy |
一時的 | いちじてき | Temporary |
付近 | ふきん | Nearby |
場面 | ばめん | Scene |
年末 | ねんまつ | Year-end |
向けて | むけて | Towards |
回復 | かいふく | Recovery |
全体 | ぜんたい | Whole |
上昇 | じょうしょう | Rise |