N1-Native (Fluent) Anime/Manga

What is "500 Million Year Button"

June 17, 2022

The "500 Million Year Button" was published in 2002 and became a major Internet sensation. It has been adapted into an anime by the author and will be broadcast on TV starting in July 2022.


The "500 Million Year Button" is a button that, when pressed, will give you 1 million yen ($10,000), but in exchange, you must spend 500 million years in an empty space. When you press a button, you are transported to a space where you cannot sleep or worry about starvation or anything else. After 500 million years, all memories are erased, and you return to your original location. The button was first introduced in 2002 as an episode of Sota Sugawara's original manga "Minna no Tonio-chan" (Everyone's Tonio-chan). Since its publication, it has been a topic of controversy on the Internet.

It has been called "don't search," "scary," "philosophical," etc., and there have been several threads on Internet message boards, and debates are still going on between those who push it vs. those who don't. It has also been the subject of numerous videos on YouTube. The "500 Million Year Button," which has become an urban legend on the Internet, is finally being made into an animated TV series by official hands!

Reactions on the Internet:
Goku could spend about 500 million years training.
I've been trying to figure out for 500 million years why this would be animated, but I couldn't figure it out.
I'd go crazy if I spent 500 million years in an empty space!

Do you press this 500 million-year button?







  • 話題わだい;subject, topic
  • 飢餓きが;starvation
  • 原作げんさく;original
  • 賛否両論さんぴりょうろん;pros and cons
  • 検索けんさく;search
  • 哲学的てつがくてき;philosophical
  • 議論ぎろん;argument, discussion, controversy
  • 都市伝説としでんせつ;urban legend

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-N1-Native (Fluent), Anime/Manga