N1-Native (Fluent) News

What is Keyence, the highest-paid company in Japan?

July 12, 2022

Do you know the company that pays the highest salary in Japan? That company is not Toyota or Sony, but an Osaka-based company called KEYENCE CORPORATION. Keyence is a company that develops, manufactures, and sells automatic control equipment, measuring instruments, information equipment, and optical and electronic microscopes.

Keyence's average annual salary for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 is 21.82 million yen, up approximately 4 million yen from the previous fiscal year. Recently, overseas business in the U.S., China, and other countries has been strong, and consolidated operating income for the fiscal year ended March 2010 reached a record high of ¥418.0 billion.
Keyence's overseas sales ratio exceeds 50%, and the company currently operates in 44 countries and 200 locations around the world; it is one of Japan's leading blue-chip companies, ranking third in Japan behind Toyota and Sony in terms of market capitalization for Japanese companies in 2021.
What is amazing about Keyence is its operating margin: 55.6% in FY2017, which is significantly higher than Sony's 10.2%. The key points of Keyence's business model can be expressed in the following four points.

  1. Thoroughly meet customer needs
    Keyence assigns a contact person to every business partner. This is done in order to directly listen to the customer's voice and utilize it in product development. Through their daily sales activities, Keyence representatives always listen to the minor concerns and inconveniences of our customers and feed them back into product development.
    As a result, approximately 70% of Keyence's new products are "world firsts" or "industry firsts.
  2. Have no factories
    Although Keyence is a manufacturer of electronic devices, it does not actually own a factory. This is probably because the company has decided that outsourcing is more advantageous in terms of cost and risk since owning its own factory would require it to bear fixed costs, including labor costs, as well as huge R&D expenses in order to constantly pursue cutting-edge technology.
    Similarly, Apple does everything from iPhone design to planning and development in-house while outsourcing production to factories with the best conditions at the time.
  3. Thorough elimination of waste
    For example, a company with a large scale of business allocates a large budget for advertising and develops promotions through TV commercials, newspapers, and magazines.
    Keyence, on the other hand, does not have to spend much money on advertising because its customers are companies, not individuals, and therefore does not need to conduct large-scale advertising to promote sales. In addition, Keyence does not charge sales commissions to distributors because its sales representatives sell directly to customers, thus keeping necessary expenses to a minimum.
  4. Creating a system that allows anyone to achieve results in sales
    At Keyence, sales processes are standardized and thoroughly managed. The sales process is standardized and thoroughly managed. "No matter who is in charge of the sales process, if the sales activities are based on a highly reproducible sales method, the system will naturally produce high results. Each sales representative conducts consulting sales activities to understand the detailed needs of customers and develop new products, which can then be spread to customers around the world who have similar needs, thereby efficiently generating sales.

Keyence's strength is that we have meticulously built a system that maximizes productivity with minimal equipment and personnel. It is not something that any company can immediately imitate. Even so, there must be areas that can be used as references. A strong company has established a simple yet powerful philosophy and methods.

Reactions on the Internet:
I wonder how hard the work is. I can't picture it.
It's a great company that pays well.
I wonder if this company is the only one. The salary level in Japan is the standard of the world's leading industries….





  1. 顧客こきゃくのニーズに徹底てっていしてこたえる
  2. 工場こうじょうたない
  3. 無駄むだ排除はいじょ
  4. だれでも営業えいぎょう成果せいかげられる仕組しく




  • 電子顕微鏡でんしけんびきょう - Electronic Microscope
  • 平均年収へいきんねんしゅう - average annual income
  • 営業利益えいぎょうりえき - operating income
  • 時価総額じかそうがく - market capitalization
  • 製品開発せいひんかいはつ - product development
  • 顧客こきゃく - client
  • 人件費じんけんひ - labor cost
  • 研究費けんきゅうひ - research cost
  • アウトソーシング - outsourcing
  • 雑誌ざっし - magazine
  • ニーズ - needs
  • 構築こうちく - build, assembly, organization
  • 真似まね - simulate, copy, imitate
  • 理念りねん - idea

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