N1-Native (Fluent) News

Why are all Japanese high school baseball players BUZZ CUT?

May 22, 2022

The National High School Baseball Championship Tournament is held every spring and summer at Koshien in Japan and is a major event that attracts the attention of all of Japan. It's very moving to see high school baseball players give their all in this once-in-a-lifetime tournament. However, there is one unique aspect of the tournament that is interesting: every high school baseball player's hairstyle is a BUZZ CUT.

I have never seen a single ballplayer with long hair at Koshien. Why on earth do they all have shaved heads? There are two main reasons.

  1. Tradition.
    Many high school students shave their hair voluntarily, not because of school rules. They shave their hair out of habit before joining a club. However, this is limited to baseball clubs, and many players have long hair in other club activities (e.g., football and basketball). Among Japanese high school ballplayers, there seems to be an image that the stronger the high school, the more shaved heads are the norm. Historically speaking, the reason may be that many boys had shaved heads around 1915 when high school baseball in Japan began.
  2. School Rules
    There is no rule that requires shaved heads in most high schools, but in some high schools, the club rules require shaved heads. The reason for this is that they want the students to concentrate on baseball and that it is clean. The lack of freedom in hairstyle may be a human rights issue, but many high school students do not question this and accept it. Some students want to play baseball but do not want to have a shaved head, so they join other clubs. Some students say, "I want to play baseball, but I don't want to have a shaved head."

I have given reasons why high school ballplayers shave their heads, but I could not find any rational reason other than because it is clean. Perhaps the most important reason is the spirit of carrying on the tradition, which has been ingrained in the Japanese people since ancient times.

Various opinions were posted on the Internet about this.

Many of my friends around me didn't continue playing baseball in high school because they didn't want to shave their heads.
It seems to me that there are many things that need to be improved in the baseball world, such as unreasonable traditions and rules, including the monk system.

! I think that a person who is willing to shave his head for the sake of baseball will finally be able to stand at the starting line of high school baseball!



  1. 伝統でんとうだから
  2. 学校がっこう規則きそく



全国ぜんこく高校こうこう野球やきゅう選手権せんしゅけん;National High School Baseball Championship

全国民ぜんこくみん;whole nation

高校こうこう球児きゅうじ;high school baseball player

坊主ぼうず;buzz cut



部活動ぶかつどう;extracurricular activities



サッカー;football, soccer


長髪ちょうはつ;long hair



人権じんけん;human rights



根付ねづく;here to stay


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